Saturday, December 27, 2008

Field Updates

“Who is like the LORD our GOD, who dwells on high, who humbles Himself to behold the things that are in the heavens and in the earth? HE raises the poor out of the dust and lifts the needy out of the dunghill.” (Psalms 113: 5-7)

“YOUR way was in the sea” — The Moken Sea Gypsies

The transformation of the Moken community is slow but steady, persistent and deep. A worldview transformation is currently underway and the community is responding constructively to Biblical values and mindset. The gracious inner workings of the HOLY SPIRIT is evident, accompanied by the labor of love of the Body of CHRIST. The Mokens have always been downtrodden, despised, discriminated, and dumped in the dunghill of socio-economic deprivation. Their perception and self identity is one which closely resembles the slavish mentality of the children of Israel freed from Egypt. Currently, they’re in the wilderness of worldview transformation. Your prayer support for the Moken community on this pressing issue is gratefully appreciated.

What is Being Done?

  • To promote Scripture-based transformation, a holistic approach to discipleship through the setting up of Moken Transformation Center (MTC);
  • To counter illiteracy we’ve hired teachers to educate their children and young people in a structured and systematic way, with long term emphasis;
  • To address socio-economic deprivation and discrimination, entrepreneurship skills and opportunities are introduced, and the community is empowered and equipped thorough reconstruction and relocation programs – both for men and women;
  • To develop health and sanitation system, a community wide approach has been adopted.
Prayer Spotlight:
  1. Partnership of the Body of CHRIST to be strengthened in all matters— human resource, prayer, finance etc.
  2. Moken self and community identity in CHRIST and in HIS Body to be realized.
  3. Breaking of demonic strongholds and bondage in the daily life of the community through personal-communal encounter with the LORD.
  4. HIS blessings on projects & endeavors highlighted.

“A People for HIS Name” The Northern Country - LS

The community development work in LS (a communist country) is progressing well, especially the youth development program. There are about 130 young people from two un-reached and least reached people groups who are involved in this program and we’ve been helping them to read and write their own language and English as well. They have shown strong enthusiasm and commitment towards learning, as a community of four villages comprising of about 600 people. The youths will also undergo sports and entrepreneurship development program in the coming months.

Being illiterate has made this community target for all sorts of discriminative practices. They’re subdued and are never able to be assertive, but the resilience of the people becomes a testimony of the quiet and gracious work of the LORD among them. There are no known believers among them, yet we’ve been given the full right to work with the community at all levels, especially with the children and young people, developing their economic opportunities and promoting holistic community transformation.

Prayer Spotlight:
  1. Partnership of the Body of CHRIST to be strengthened in all matters — human resource, prayer, finance etc.
  2. We’ve been given a large plot of land for development among the community and near the city center. Please pray its full realization and implementation of projects.
  3. The LORD to open the door of their hearts to the glorious Gospel of CHRIST, which brings about true transformation of lives.
  4. HIS grace, wisdom & favor in dealing with the authorities.

“The mountains melt like wax at HIS Presence” Northern Country - YN

A demonstration of GOD’s working in this region is evident through ample opportunities that have opened up to us of recent months. But truly the appropriate workers are few! Professionals and experts in their relevant fields are needed to ensure that thousands of un-reached and least reached people groups do not continue to be isolated in their remote communities. The doors of faith are opened wide and all we need to do is to enter in!

The opportunities in this region consist of ventures in agriculture development, community-based economic development, and investment in various agri-based industries. Currently, we’re working on various aspects of preliminary community-based economic endeavors with the authorities. Many human resource development programs are being looked into, especially, that which concerns young people and children development in entrepreneurship, sports, health and personal development.

“Lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they’re for harvest!”

Prayer Spotlight:
  • Partnership of the Body of CHRIST to be strengthened in all matters — human resource, prayer, finance etc.
  • Appropriate laborers — professionals, experts, investors etc to be thrust to the field by the LORD of the Harvest, esp. in YN.
  • Grace, wisdom and favor in all our dealings with the authorities in the region.
  • Native workers who can be part of our team in every community that we work in.

An African Proverbs goes like this:
"If you want to go fast go alone,
But if you want to go far go together!"

- Adapted from the GMS QUARTERLY FIELD REPORT dated Sept 2007.

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